Main page News A 3D miniature of a pedestrian and bicycle bridge across Volodymyrska Descent with embossed tactile signs for the visually impaired was unveiled on Volodymyrska Hill (+ photo)

A 3D miniature of a pedestrian and bicycle bridge across Volodymyrska Descent with embossed tactile signs for the visually impaired was unveiled on Volodymyrska Hill (+ photo)

A 3D miniature of a pedestrian and bicycle bridge across Volodymyrsky Descent with embossed tactile signs for the visually impaired was unveiled in Volodymyrska Hill Park. The installation of the new mini-sculpture is a continuation of the inclusive tourist route from St. Sophia Cathedral to Khreschaty Park. This was announced by Deputy Chairman of the Kyiv City State Administration Marina Honda.

The opening was also attended by the Head of the Department of Tourism and Promotions of the Kyiv City State Administration Maryna Radova, Kyiv City Council Deputy Victoria Mukha and the head of the All-Ukrainian Parliament of Working Disabled Volodymyr Volodymyr Petrovsky.

"This is the third mini-model of the capital's landmarks. Earlier we installed models of St. Sophia Cathedral and the fountain of Archangel Michael. With their help, visually impaired people can learn about these sights and "see them with their hands". The new sculpture, like the previous ones, is equipped with a QR-code, after scanning which you can go to the website of the Department of Tourism and Promotions, which contains all the information about the bridge in text, audio and video format in sign language. This information is available in Ukrainian and English, "said Marina Honda.

She also added that the city plans to install such models near other landmarks of the capital.

Volodymyr Petrovskyi, head of the All-Ukrainian Parliament for the Disabled, noted that the new sculpture meets all the requirements for the visually impaired, the layout is tactile and safe. According to him, the sculpture is universal: not only visually impaired people, but also anyone can get acquainted with it.

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