Kyiv Fortress
The National Historical and Architectural Museum “Kyiv Fortress” is a unique museum complex created on the site of the fortifications of the Kyiv Fortress and including three expositions. Those are the “History of the use of the buildings of the Kyiv Fortress”, the exhibition “From a cannon ball to an artillery shell”, an open-air exposition of defensive ramparts, a fortress wall and caponiers, as well as the largest in Europe stone and earth Lysohirskyi fort with an area of about 120 hectares. The caponier of the first training ground of the Hospital Fortification has been put out of operation. Repair and restoration works in the Tower No. 4 are in progress. The fortress structures, which are part of the Kyiv Fortress, had been built for almost 200 years, from the 17th to the 19th century. Today, the Kyiv Fortress is one of the largest surviving fortifications in the world.
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