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Центр сучасного мистецтва "Білий Світ"

ЦСМ «Білий Світ» утворився на основі творчої майстерні Олександра Яновича, в якій об’єдналась спільнота творців та колекціонерів. У певний момент простору майстерні почало не вистачати для втілення усіх задуманих проєктів та комунікації з великою компанією однодумців. Тож на початку 2016 року було відкрито велике експозиційне приміщення Білого Світу на вул. Євгена Чикаленка, 21а (раніше вул. Пушкінська, 21а)

Подружжя Олександра та Тамари Яновичів з несамовитою жагою розвиває діяльність ЦСМ, збирає колекцію творів мистецтва та бере участь у розбудовуванні українського арт-середовища.
Сучасне мистецтво є глобально-всеосяжним явищем, що змінює вигляд світу, та водночас унікальним для кожної країни, місцини, майстерні. Засновники ЦСМ прагнуть, щоб поціновувачі мистецтва змогли і побачити шедеври майстрів міжнародного класу, і відчути неповторні тенденції українського мистецького сьогодення – яскраво, неначе у ясний день, залитий білим сонячним світлом.

National Museum "Kyiv Art Gallery"

The National Museum "Kyiv Picture Gallery" is one of the most prominent art museums in Ukraine, which in 2022 celebrated the 100th anniversary of its founding.

Despite the extremely difficult situation associated with the invasion of Russian troops and the declaration of martial law in Ukraine, the museum did not stop its activities, perceiving it as its contribution to the future victory, the protection of the interests of our country on the cultural front, the struggle for spirituality, liberation from the consequences of imperial colonial policy, the restoration of historical justice, the establishment of the image of a Ukrainian as a European, enriched with its own history, original culture and art. Even after the damage suffered by the museum building from a missile attack on the center of Kyiv, the museum does not stop its activities, continuing its work on both Ukrainian and international projects.

The museum is not only one of the oldest museums in Kyiv, but also one of the most beloved. Its collection is one of the richest among art museums in Ukraine. It includes over 14,000 works of painting, graphics, sculpture, and decorative and applied arts.

Among the most famous museum monuments are icons of the 13th-17th centuries, portraits by V.G. Borovikovsky and D.G. Levitsky, beautiful collections of landscape painting by I.K. Aivazovsky, M.M. Ge, I.I. Shishkin, and V.M. Vasnetsov. Brilliant collections of works by I.Yu. Repin, M.O. Vrubel, artists of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, as well as works by contemporary Ukrainian artists - witnesses of the present, who in artistic form recreate impressions of current events in Ukraine and the trials that have befallen its fate.

Preserving and popularizing examples of classical art, the museum strives to be at the forefront of modernity. During the war years, the organization of exhibitions of contemporary painting and other artistic events became the main form of activity of the National Art Gallery, a means of reflecting current problems through the prism of the views of the best artists of modern Ukraine.

Kitayivsky complex

The Kitayivsky complex is a unique object of cultural heritage in one of the most valuable historical districts of Kyiv. The complex consists of historical tracts, monuments of archeology, architectural ensembles, a unique landscape, natural monuments, has a rich and ancient history (Late Trypil, Old Russian, late medieval times), therefore it has long and constantly attracted the attention of historians, archaeologists, art critics, local historians as a "witness of three civilizations".

The components of the Kitayivsky complex are:

Archaeological and speleological:

  1. The Chinaiv archaeological complex (IX-XIII centuries) is a hillfort, a settlement, a burial mound, which consists of three groups of burial mounds, a cave complex, which consists of two main groups, the first of which is a system of caves in the middle of China Mountain.
  2. The second group of caves is within the territory of the former Spaso-Preobrazhensky hermitage.
  3. Architectural and urban planning – the ensemble of the Chinaiv desert and the complex of the Spaso-Preobrazhensky hermitage.
  4. Nature reserve fund, which constitutes the landscape of the territory and the available flora and fauna.

China archaeological complex

Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian PCP No. 711 of July 21, 1965 approved the list of monuments of art, history and archeology of republican significance submitted by the Ministry of Culture of the Ukrainian SSR and the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR. The mentioned list includes "Kytaiv settlement and barrows of the era of Kyivan Rus" (Korchuvate village of Moscow district of Kyiv).


On April 5, 1986, a passport with the name "Kitaivske gorodishche, settlement and burial ground" was drawn up as a monument, according to which "Kitaivske gorodishche belongs to the number of forts built on the slopes of the right bank of the Dnieper as sentry points over the river valley, and next to the fort a settlement and a burial ground arose, which are directly related to it."


By Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1761 of December 27, 2001, the archaeological monument "Kitaivske Gorodishche and Burial Burial Ground" was entered into the State Register of Immovable Monuments of Ukraine (developed Middle Ages, Kyiv Rus, location - 15 Kaitivska St. in the city of Kyiv) .


By Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 928 of September 3, 2009, the archaeological monument of national significance "Kytaivske Gorodishche and Burial Burial Ground" was entered into the State Register of Immovable Monuments of Ukraine and assigned security number 260026-Н.


The Chinaiv archaeological complex (an archeological site of national importance "Kitaiv hillfort and burial mound", protection number 260026-Н) has 5 separate components: a fortified part (a hillfort with an area of ​​6.1 hectares), an unfortified part (a settlement with an area of ​​32.2 hectares ), burial mound (area of ​​group 1 – 2.17 ha, group 2 – 4.47 ha), cave complex, settlement in the Vynogradne tract (area – 1.34 ha).


A total of 19 objects of cultural heritage are located on the territory of the archaeological monument of national importance "Kitaivske Gorodishche and Kurganny Mogilnik", including the architectural monument of national importance "Troitska Tserkva" (15 Kaitivska St.; Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR dated 24.08. .1963 No. 970, security No. 38).


There are also 2 natural monuments of local importance here: 5 Japanese sophoras, 150 years old, and near the Trinity Church, the chestnut tree of Peter's Tomb grows - a botanical monument of nature. According to legend, the chestnut tree was planted by Metropolitan of Kyiv Peter Mohyla, but the age of the tree does not correspond to the years of the metropolitan's life. This is the oldest and largest chestnut tree in Kyiv. Its age is about 350 years, the diameter of the trunk is 1.1 m, the height is 25 m.


Part of the monument territory is located within the park-monument of horticultural art of national importance "Holosiiv Forest" (resolution of the collegium of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR on Nature Protection of 26.07.1972 No. 22, resolution of the State Committee of the Ukrainian SSR on Ecology and Rational nature management dated 30.08.1990 No. 18). In this part there is 1 natural landmark of local importance - "The upper lake-pond from the Chinaiv cascade of ponds" (decision of the Kyiv City Council dated 02.12.1999 No. 147/649).


See the collection of artifacts from Kitayev in 3D: